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Comments from Ofsted

“Staff provide a safe and welcoming environment where children settle quickly and build good relationships with adults and one another.

 Children are keen to take part in a broad range of activities, which staff plan according to children's interests and learning priorities.

The manager and staff keep a close check on children's development, this enables them to identify and quickly address any gaps in teaching and learning. Children who have special educational needs receive extremely good support. All children make good progress.

Partnerships with parents are strong, which enables staff to meet children's individual needs well. Parents report very positively on how well they feel included and supported in their children's learning and development.

The manager uses self-evaluation effectively. They value the views of parents, staff and outside agencies to help them identify ways to continue to improve children's experiences.

High staff ratios and effective communication between staff, help to keep children safe and support them well in their learning and development”.

Information to know/use

15 January 2016


Register(s): Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register, Voluntary Childcare Register


Top Bananas Day Nursery and Pre-School trading as Top Bananas Pre-School LTD

 Ofsted Registration Code EY 49 52 26

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